A fictionalised look into the human tragedy of riot police and police brutality in Spain.
16 Oct, 2020
The six riot police continue with their lives unrelated to being investigated. But the Internal Affairs team advances without discovering anything special. Only Laia believes that there is more than bad luck after the death of the immigrant. When the team leader asks that the investigation be closed and everything is about to end, Laia discovers the loose end that leads her to discover that the riot police deleted a video that included the entire incident. Although they deleted it to avoid being lynched on the networks, now that makes them look guilty. Just after helping to break up a violent disturbance in the dead immigrant's neighborhood, the six policemen are called to their superior's office. Everyone will pay the consequences for their actions. All except Alex, the nephew of a big boss in the body.
16 Oct, 2020
Revilla's maneuvers bear fruit and the riot police are no longer in the spotlight. Diego and Laia find a pattern of urban corruption and Laia pulls the thread until she finds the businessman at the forefront of the plot. When he learns that the immigrant's criminal report is false, he realizes that he has made a mistake in wanting to save the riot police. Laia faces new interrogations ready to destroy them, but Álex's uncle alerts the riot police and they agree on a coherent response. When the Internal Affairs team has already given up the interrogations, Laia detects the weakest and gets him to confess. That same night her direct boss takes her out of the house at dawn to teach her something. A safe house where a secret police commission investigates the urban plot that affects high-ranking police officers. A case that she has nearly ruined by disobeying his orders and making inquiries on her own.
Victoria Luengo
Laia Urquijo
Raúl Arévalo
Diego López Rodero
Álex García
Alexánder Parra
Hovik Keuchkerian
Salvador Osorio
Roberto Álamo
José Antonio Úbeda
Raúl Prieto
Elías Bermejo
Patrick Criado
Rubén Murillo
David Llorente
Thimbo Samb
Mónica López
Chema Tena
Alfonso Bassave
Nico Romero
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